

Lansdowne Zone PSSA Athletics Carnival  

Thursday 4th September 2025     8:30am – 2:30pm

The Crest is an all-weather, all-purpose track. In the event of conditions rendering field events unsafe, the convenors will shut down for the time necessary to resume competition. If the in event, a competition cannot be concluded, we will reconvene at a later date after school at your chosen venue (can be your own school).

Team Managers Meeting- 8:45am

This meeting involves all team managers and teacher officials

Races & Event Rules

Individual running races: 100m age races (8-13yrs), 200m (Juniors, 11yrs, Seniors), 800m (Juniors, 11yrs, Seniors) and 1500m (Juniors, 11yrs, Seniors).

Students will compete in boys and girls races according to the age they are or are turning this year. For the 200m and 800m events: Juniors (8, 9, 10yrs) 11 Years and Seniors (12 and 13yrs).

  • Juniors: are those born 2015, 2016, 2017
  • 11 years: born in 2014
  • Seniors: are those born 2012, 2013

Students are to REMAIN in school’s designated areas, unless competing. No student or parent is to enter the track or field area unless competing or officiating.

All areas must always remain clean and tidy. Ensure students place rubbish in bins provided throughout the day.

Special running spikes may be worn for 100m, 200m, and long jump ONLY.

Students MUST keep in their lane while running. Officials will be watching races closely, and if a student is deemed to have crossed over into another lane and impede another competitor they will be disqualified.

Students must remain in their lanes at the finish line to allow for places to be confirmed (except for 800m and 1500m where they will be directed to cross over lanes after a certain distance has been completed).

For 800m and 1500m, students may race as a pack. This involves students starting the race with 3+ students in one lane.

When crossing the running track, students are to listen closely to instructions from teachers, so they do not interfere with track and field events taking place.

Only Team Managers can lodge a protest in writing within 15 minutes of the conclusion of the event.

The Event Organiser has the right to alter the program of an event should it be considered necessary.


Parents, coaches and unauthorised persons are not allowed on the track and field. Once the competitors are in the hands of officials controlling the event, they shall not receive any coaching or advice. Penalty may result in disqualification at the discretion of the Event Organiser.


Competitors must report to the marshals immediately after the first call. After two calls the competitor may be eliminated.


The use of starting blocks is permitted ONLY for 100m and 200m, provided the toes of both feet are in contact with the ground. Competitors must not stand behind the mark until called to move up by the starter. A competitor must not touch either the start line or the ground in front of it with his/her hands or feet when on his/her mark.

The starter will say: “On your marks”, “set”, then followed by a horn.

False starts: A competitor making a false start shall be warned and can be disqualified at the discretion of the starter.


At the completion of each race competitors must remain at the finish line in their respective lanes.

Timers will only record the 4 fastest competitors of each race. They will hand out place cards to the top 4 competitors at the end of each race.

A runner will walk these 4 competitors to the recording desks along with their times.


Teams consist of 4 competitors from the one school.

The take-over zone is denoted by the lines drawn 20m apart, within which the baton must be passed. Members of a team other than the first runner may commence running (not more than 10m) outside the take-over zone and the baton must be carried by hand throughout the race.

If dropped it may be recovered by the competitor who dropped it. A competitor may leave their lane to retrieve a baton provided no other competitor is impeded.

After handing over the baton, competitors must remain in their lanes until directed to withdraw by an official.


Each competitor will have 3 attempts at each height.

Competitors will have a maximum of 2 minutes from the time their name is called or a ‘no’ jump will be registered (this only applies when the competitor is present).

In the event of a tie, the competitor who took the fewest attempts to clear the height will decide the placegetters.


Each competitor will have 3 attempts at each distance.

In the event of a tie, the competitor who took the fewest attempts to clear the distance will decide the placegetters.


Each competitor will have 3 throwing attempts.

In the event of a tie, the competitor who took the fewest attempts to clear the distance will decide the placegetters.

  • 11yrs & Juniors 2kg shot put
  • 12 and 13 years 3kg shot put


Each competitor will have 3 throwing attempts.

In the event of a tie, the competitor who took the fewest attempts to clear the distance will decide the placegetters.

  • Juniors 500g discus
  • 11yrs & Seniors 750g discus


If time permits, finals will be completed for 100m races. This is up to the discretion of the Event Organisers.

  • 100m Races: The top 8-10 fastest times progress to the finals (depending on how many lanes are available for use on the day).

If 100m finals are not completed the times recorded will be used to determine which competitors quality for Regionals.

Finals for 200m, 800m and 1500m races will not be completed. Times recorded for these races will be used to determine which competitors qualify for Regionals. It is strongly encouraged that all competitors run their fastest during these events.

Any enquiries regarding this event, can be made via your school PSSA Coordinator.


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